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# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! # Welcome to ChatControl localization file. # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! # # Here you can customize 99% of all plugin messages and tooltips. # # 1) COLOR CODES are supported with the '&' character. # - For usage, see # - When you use them, place quotes around the message like this: "Hello &cworld." # - To use HEX colors, use #123456 syntax: "Hello #123456world." # # 2) TO HIDE any message, set it to 'none'. # # 3) For UNICODE CHARACTERS (smileys, symbols, ..), save the file in UTF-8 encoding. See # - # # 4) JSON is supported. Prepend the message with [JSON]. # # 5) JAVASCRIPT NOTICE: Some of our messages are just-in-time compiled with JavaScript. # Those typically have variables such as "self" inside of them. IF YOU CANNOT CODE # in JavaScript, be extra careful and do not remove () brackets or the variables! # # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to channels # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Channels: Disabled: '&cChannels are disabled. Set Channels.Enabled to true in settings.yml to enable.' Disabled_World: '&cChannels are not enabled on ''{0}'' world.' No_Channels: '&cThere are no channels. Add some in Channels.List in settings.yml.' No_Channel: 'No such channel: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Available: ' &fAvailable: &7' Header: Channels Header_Alternative: - '&cChannels: &7You are in channels: {0}' Header_Alternative_Channel: '{channel} ({mode})' Use_Alternative_Header: false Tooltip_Joined: '&fYou are joined in this channel.' Tooltip_Join_Write: '&2Click to join this channel for writing.' Tooltip_Leave_Write: - '' - '&6Notice: &fYou will automatically leave' - '&fyour old write channel ''{0}''.' Tooltip_Channels: ' &fYour channels:' Tooltip_Leave: '&cClick to leave' Join: Usage: <channel> [mode] [player] Description: Join a chat channel. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> &7- Join channel for writing.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> <mode> &7- Join channel for mode.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> <mode> [player] &7- Join player to channel for mode.' - '' - '&cNote: Joining player will leave old channel(s) if over limit.' - '' - '&cWarning: Give players{channel}.{mode}' - '&cpermission for the relevant channel and mode (read or write)' - '&cotherwise we will kick them out of channel when they join.' Already_Connected: '(self ? ''You are'' : ''Player is'') + '' already joined in this channel in {0} mode.''' Read_Disabled: Joining channels for reading has been disabled. Leave_Reading: ' You left reading &o{0}&7 channel(s) over limit.' Leave: ' {person} thereby left {pronoun} old write channel &o{0}&7.' Switch_Success: Switched mode for channel &o{0} &7from {1} to {2}. Success: Joined &o{0} &7channel in {1} mode. Notification: '&8[&2+&8] &7Player {player} has joined ''{channel}'' channel.' Leave: Usage: <channel> [player] Description: Leave a chat channel. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> &7- Leave chat channel.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> <player> &7- Force player to leave channel.' Not_Joined: '(self ? ''You are'' : ''{0} is'') + '' not joined in this channel. '' + (channelsPlayerCanLeave.isEmpty() ? ''There are no channels '' + (self ? ''you'' : ''player'') + '' can leave.'' : (self ? ''You'' : ''Player'') + '' can leave channels: {1}'')' No_Channels: '(self ? ''You have'' : ''Player has'') + '' no channels to leave.''' Switch_To_Reading: '{person} switched the &o{0} &7channel to reading. Type the command again to leave.' Success: '{person} left the &o{0} &7channel.' Notification: '&8[&4-&8] &7Player {player} has left ''{channel}'' channel.' List: Description: List players in chat channels. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} &7- List all channels with players.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <channel> &7- List players in the given channel.' Mute: ''' &8[&7'' + (muted ? ''&cUnmute'' : ''Mute'') + ''&8]''' Mute_Tooltip: '''&6Click to '' + (muted ? ''un'' : '''') + ''mute this channel'' + (muted ? '''' : '' for 15 minutes'') + ''.''' Join: ''' &8[&7'' + (joined ? ''&aLeave'' : ''Join'') + ''&8]''' Join_Tooltip: '''&6Click to '' + (joined ? ''leave'' : ''join'') + '' this channel.''' No_Players: ' &7- &oNo players.' Remove: '&8[&4X&8] ' Remove_Tooltip: '&6Click to remove {0} from channel.' Header: 'bungee ? ''Bungee'' : ''Online'' + '' Channel Players''' Line: '&8[{mode_color}{mode}&8] &f{player}' Send: Usage: <channel> <message> Description: Send message to a channel. Send_As: Usage: <player> <channel> <message> Description: Send message to a channel as player. Error: 'Sending as ''{0}'' failed: {1}' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to commands # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands: No_Console: '&cYou may only use this command as a player.' No_BungeeCord: You need BungeeCord enabled use this feature. No_MySQL: This command requires MySQL enabled in settings.yml. No_MySQL_BungeeCord: You need MySQL enabled use this feature over BungeeCord. No_Group_Name: Please specify the group name. Available {0} No_Rule_Name: 'Please specify the rule name. Available: {0}' No_Message_Name: 'Please specify the message group. Available: {0}' No_Cached_Player: Please specify a player name (can be offline, too). No_Reason_While_Silent: Cannot specify reason when using silent option. No_Silent_And_Anonymous: Cannot specify both silent and anonymous options. Console_Missing_Player_Name: When running from console, specify player name. Compiling_Data: Compiling database information.. Cooldown_Wait: '&cWait {duration} second(s) before using this command again.' Invalid_Server: 'No such server: ''{0}'' Available: {1}.' Invalid_Argument: '&cInvalid argument. Run &6/{label} ? &cfor help.' Invalid_Sub_Argument: '&cInvalid argument. Run ''/{label} {0}'' for help.' Invalid_Argument_Multiline: '&cInvalid argument. Usage:' Invalid_Time: 'Expected time such as ''3 hours'' or ''15 minutes'', got: ''{input}''' Invalid_Number: 'The number must be a whole or a decimal number. Got: ''{input}''' Invalid_Material: 'No such material: ''{0}''. For available, see list at:' Invalid_Type: 'No such type: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Mode: 'No such mode: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Tag: 'No such tag: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Channel: 'No such channel: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Group: 'No such group: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Warning_Set: 'No such warning set: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Param: 'Invalid parameter: ''{0}'' Available: {1}' Invalid_Param_Short: 'Invalid parameter: {0}' Invalid_Rule: 'No such rule: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Message: 'No such message: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' Invalid_Region: Region '{0}' doesn't exist. Label_Authors: Made by Label_Description: '&c&lDescription:' Label_Optional_Args: optional arguments Label_Required_Args: required arguments Label_Usages: '&c&lUsages:' Label_Usage: '&c&lUsage:' Label_Help_For: Help for /{label} Label_Subcommand_Description: ' &f/{label} {sublabel} {usage+}{dash+}{description}' Help_Tooltip_Description: '&7Description: &f{description}' Help_Tooltip_Permission: '&7Permission: &f{permission}' Help_Tooltip_Usage: '&7Usage: &f' Reload_Description: Reload the configuration. Reload_Started: Reloading plugin's data, please wait.. Reload_Success: '&6ChatControl {plugin_version} has been reloaded.' Reload_Fail: '&4Oups, &creloading failed! See the console for more information. Error: {error}' Reload_File_Load_Error: '&4Oups, &cthere was a problem loading files from your disk! See the console for more information. ChatControl has not been reloaded.' Debug_Description: ZIP your settings for reporting bugs. Debug_Preparing: '&6Preparing debug log...' Debug_Success: '&2Successfuly copied {amount} file(s) to Your sensitive MySQL information has been removed from yml files. Please upload it via and send it to us for review.' Debug_Copy_Fail: '&cCopying files failed on file messages_en and it was stopped. See console for more information.' Debug_Zip_Fail: '&cCreating a ZIP of your files failed, see console for more information. Please ZIP debug/ folder and send it to us via manually.' Perms_Description: List all permissions the plugin has. Perms_Header: Listing All ChatControl Permissions Perms_Main: Main Perms_Permissions: 'Permissions:' Perms_True_By_Default: '&7[true by default]' Perms_Info: '&7Info: &f' Perms_Default: '&7Default? ' Perms_Applied: '&7Do you have it? ' Perms_Yes: '&2yes' Perms_No: '&cno' Error: '&4&lOups! &cThe command failed :( Check the console and report the error.' Header_No_Subcommands: '&cThere are no arguments for this command.' Header_No_Subcommands_Permission: '&cYou don''t have permissions to view any subcommands.' Header_Color: GOLD Header_Secondary_Color: RED Reloading: reloading Disabled: disabled Use_While_Null: '&cCannot use this command while the plugin is {state}.' Incompatible: This command requires Minecraft {0} or greater. Toggled_Plugin_Part: '''&7You are '' + (ignoring ? ''&2no longer'' : ''&cnow'') + '' &7ignoring {0}.''' Use_Alternative_Header: false Alternative_Header: '&cChatControl Red: &7Type ''/{0} ?'' to see all commands.' Announce: Usage: <type> <message> Description: Announce various messages. Usage_Chat: /{label} {sublabel} chat <message> [server:<server>] [type:raw] &7- Broadcast a chat message. Usage_Title: /{label} {sublabel} title <title|subtitle> fadein:<ticks> stay:<ticks> fadeout:<ticks> &7- Send a title. If you only want to send subtitle, use '/{label} {sublabel} title |your message here'. Usage_Actionbar: /{label} {sublabel} actionbar <message> server:creative &7- Send actionbar message to 'creative' server. Usage_Bossbar: /{label} {sublabel} bossbar <message> time:<seconds> color:<color> style:<style> &7- Send boss bar to this server. Usage_Toast: /{label} {sublabel} toast <message> icon:<material> &7- Send a toast message. Usage_Image: /{label} {sublabel} image <path> <linesHeight> [message|anotherMessage] Usage_Footer: - '' - '&c&lTIP: &cUse server:<name> &cparameter to broadcast to another server,' - '&cor server:bungee to send to all servers. Use type:raw for chat messages' - '&cto send unformatted message (BungeeCord not supported).' - '&7When sending chat, prepend it with [JSON] &7to send it as raw JSON.' No_Type: Please specify a message to broadcast. Empty: Your message cannot be empty! Image_Lines: Please enter a valid number representing how many chat lines the image will strech over. Invalid_Image: Unable to find image at '{0}' Invalid_Type: 'Does not know how to send: ''{0}''.' Invalid_Raw_Type: Invalid type! Only 'raw' is supported at the moment. Invalid_Time_Ticks: Please enter a valid integer representing a time in ticks. Invalid_Time_Seconds: Please enter a valid integer representing time in seconds. Invalid_Key: 'Invalid key ''{0}'' value: {1}. Available: {2}' Invalid_File: 'No such file: {0}' Image_Error: 'Failed to broadcast image from ''{0}'': {1}. Please see console for more information.' Invalid_Image_Height: Image height must be between {0} and {1}. Chat_Body: - '&8{chat_line}' - '<center>&c&l! &6&l{type} &c&l!' - '&8{chat_line}' - '{lines}' - '{remaining_space}' - '&8{chat_line}' Chat_Body_Line_Color: GRAY Type: '(bungee ? ''NETWORK '' : '''') + ''ANNOUNCEMENT''' Success: Your announcement has been sent. Success_Network: Your announcement was sent to the {0} server. Book: Usage: <new/save/delete/open/list> [name] [player] Description: Manipulate in-game books. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} new &7- Create new book via ''/mail new'' command.' - '/{label} {sublabel} save <name> &7- Save a signed book.' - '/{label} {sublabel} delete <name> &7- Delete a stored book.' - '/{label} {sublabel} open <name> [player] &7- Open book for player.' - '/{label} {sublabel} list &7- List all created books.' Invalid: 'No such book: ''{0}''. Available: {1}' No_Book: 'Specify a book name first. Available: {0}.' Mail_Disabled: Cannot create books when mails are disabled. Set Mail.Enabled to true in settings.yml to enable. New: 'Use the mail function to create a book. When you are ready, type ''/{label} {sublabel} save'' to save it. ' Save_No_Book: Create a book first with '/{label} {sublabel} new'. Save_Not_Signed: Sign your book first before saving it. Save_No_Name: Specify the book name. It will be placed into books/ in your plugin's directory. Save: '''Saved mail as book to books/{0}.yml.'' + (override ? '' Your old file was overriden.'' : '''')' Save_Error: 'Failed to save {0}: {1}' Delete: Book '{0}' has successfully been deleted. Delete_Fail: Could not delete '{0}'. List_Open: '&8[&6O&8]' List_Open_Tooltip: '&6Open this book.' List_Delete: '&8[&cX&8]' List_Delete_Tooltip: '&6Click to delete.' List_None: There are no books in books/ folder. List_Header: Books List: ' &7''&f{title}&7'' &7by {author} from {date}' List_Tooltip: '&7File name: &f{0}' Page: '&6Page {0}:' Page_Header: Book '{0}' by {1} Unnamed: Unnamed Unsigned: Unsigned Open: The book has been opened for {0}. Give: Player {0} has received the book as item. Clear: Usage: '[-a/-c/-s] [reason]' Description: Clear the game chat. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} [reason] &7- Clear the game chat.' - '/{label} {sublabel} -a(nonymous) &7- Do not broadcast who cleared it.' - '/{label} {sublabel} -c(console) &7- Clear the server console.' - '/{label} {sublabel} -s(ilent) &7- Do not broadcast any message.' Success: '(bungee ? ''Network'' : ''Game'') + '' chat has been cleared'' + (anonymous ? '''' : '' by {0}'') + ''.'' + (!reason.isEmpty() ? '' Reason: {1}'' : '''')' Success_Console: Console has been cleared by {0}. Success_Staff: '{prefix_info}Chat has been successfully cleared by {0}.' Color: Usage: <color/status/menu> [decoration] [player] Description: Set chat color and decoration. Usages_1: - '/{label} {sublabel} status [player] &7- Print your color and decoration.' - '/{label} {sublabel} menu &7- Open color and decoration menu.' - '/{label} {sublabel} yellow &7- Set chat color to yellow.' Usages_Hex_1: - '/{label} {sublabel} #<hexcode> &7- Set chat color to HEX.' Usages_2: - '/{label} {sublabel} red bold [player] &7- Set color and decoration.' - '/{label} {sublabel} reset &7- Reset color.' - '/{label} {sublabel} reset reset [player] &7- Reset color and decoration.' Usages_Hex_2: - '' - '&c&lTIP:&c Visit to generate HEX colors.' Not_Saved: '{0} doesn''t have any color nor decoration.' Chat_Color: '&7chat color' Decoration: decoration Invalid_Color: '''Invalid chat color. Valid syntax: & color, name'' + (hasHex ? ''or #<hex>'' : '''') + ''. Available: {0}''' Invalid_Decoration: 'Invalid chat decoration. Use & or name syntax. Available: {0}' Decoration_Not_Allowed: Please only enter colors not decorations. Color_Not_Allowed: Please only enter decorations not colors. Success_Color: Set {0} chat color to {1}&7 Success_Decoration: Set {0} chat decoration to {1}&r&7 Reset: Set {0} chat color to default Reset_Decoration: Set {0} chat decoration to default Forward: Usage: <server> <command...> Description: Forward commands to BungeeCord. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} <server> <command...> &7- Run a command on BungeeCord or other servers in your network.' - '/{label} {sublabel} bungee send all creative &7- Run ''send all creative'' command on BungeeCord.' - '/{label} {sublabel} creative say Hi there! &7- Run the command on ''creative'' server.' - '' - '&c&lNOTE: &cYou cannot send commands to empty servers.' Unknown_Server: 'Unknown server. Available: bungee, {0}' Success: Your command has been sent successfuly. Info: Usage: <param> <player> [args...] Description: Display debug information. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} nick <player/nick> &7- Print player''s nick and name.' - '/{label} {sublabel} newcomer <player> &7- Print if player is newcomer.' - '/{label} {sublabel} cache <player> &7- Print saved information for player.' - '/{label} {sublabel} variables <player> <message> &7- Parse msg variables.' - '' - '&c&lExample:' - '&c/{label} {sublabel} variables Notch &c{player} is in channel {channel}' - '' - '&c&lTIP:&c You can use this to measure the performance of variables and find which cause lag.' Cache_Player: '&cCache information for {0}' Cache_Location: '&cLocation: ' Cache_Nick: 'Player {0} has nick: {1}.' Newcomer: '''{0} '' + (newcomer ? ''&ais'' : ''&cis not'') + '' &7a newcomer.''' Variables_No_Message: Please enter a message in which we replace variables. Variables: '''&7Result (took {0}ms): &r'' + (replaced.isEmpty() ? ''&7&oEmpty output.'' : replaced)' Ignore: Usage: <player/list> [player] Description: Toggle seeing messages/PMs from players. Usages: - '/{label} list &7- Print players you are ignoring.' - '/{label} list <player> &7- Print players another player is ignoring.' - '/{label} <player> &7- Toggle ignoring a player.' - '/{label} <forWhom> <player> &7- Toggle ignoring a player for other player.' Not_Ignoring: '(!otherPlayer ? ''You are'' : ''{0} is'') + '' not ignoring anyone.''' List_Header: Ignored Players For {0} List_Tooltip_Stop: '&6Click to stop ignoring {0}.' Cannot_Ignore_Admin: You cannot ignore that player. Cannot_Ignore_Self: You cannot ignore the same player fool :) Success: '(!otherPlayer ? ''You are '' : ''{0} is '') + (ignored ? ''&ano longer'' : ''&cnow'') + '' &7ignoring {1}.''' Cannot_PM: '{0} is ignoring you. No message sent.' Cannot_Sound_Notify_Sender: Cannot tag {0} because you ignore them. Cannot_Sound_Notify_Receiver: Cannot tag {0} because they ignore you. Inspect: Usage: <file/plugin/class> <value> Description: Inspect classes, fields and methods in Java. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} file <path> &7- View file or folders.' - '/{label} {sublabel} plugin <plugin> &7- View plugin classes.' - '/{label} {sublabel} class <class> &7- Inspect fields/methods in class.' Invalid_File: File '{0}' does not exist in your root server folder. Illegal_File: File '{0}' has unsupported format. Listing_Content: Listing content of {0} Listing_File: Listing file {0} Plugin_Not_Loaded: Plugin '{0}' is not loaded! Listing_Classes: Listing {0} classes Plugin_Tooltip: - 'Click to inspect this class.' No_Class: 'No such class: {0}' Inspecting_Class: Inspecting {0} Class Inspect_Tooltip: - '&6Inspect {0}' Parent: '&3[parent]' Open: - '&6Open {0}' Cut: '&c> &7{0} lines were cut due to being over limit.' Log: Usage: <type> [key:value...] Description: View last player communication. Usages_1: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> player:kangarko &7- View logs from player.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> before:10m &7- View logs before timestamp.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> in:1h &7- View recent logs in timestamp.' Usages_Channel: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> channel:admin &7- View logs in channel.' Usages_To: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> to:receiver &7- View PMs/mails to receiver.' Usages_2: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> label:me &7- View command logs.' Usages_Rule: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> rule:ip &7- View logs matching rule.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> group:ads &7- View logs matching rule group.' Usages_3: - '' - '&c&lTIP: &cYou can use multiple key:value parameters. To list all logs, type ''all'' for the type.' - '&c&lTIP: &cThe ''player'' and ''to'' parameters don''t support nicknames.' No_Logs: '''No logs'' + (hasType ? '' for {0}'' : '''') + '' were found.''' Type_Chat: chat Type_Command: command Type_Private_Message: private message Type_Mail: mail Type_Sign: sign Type_Book: book Type_Anvil: anvil Tooltip_Channel: '&7Channel: &f{0}' Tooltip_Rule: '''&7Rule: &f'' + (isUnnamed ? ''&oUnnamed.'' : ''{0}'')' Tooltip_Group: '&7Group: &f{0}' Tooltip_Recipients: '&7Recipients:' Tooltip_Click_To_Read: - '' - '&6Click to read.' Sent_Mail: ' &7sent mail &f''{0}''' Placed_Sign: ' &7placed sign:' Wrote_Book: ''' &7wrote book &f'' + (isSigned ? ''{title}'' : ''&oUnsigned&r'')' Wrote_Book_Tooltip: '&6Click to open' Renamed_Item: ' &7renamed item: &f' No_Logs_Matched: No logs match the given parameters. Listing_Header: '''Listing '' + (noType ? ''All'' : ''{0}'') + '' Logs''' Invalid_Syntax: 'Invalid syntax! Usage: <value>:<key>. Got: {0}' Invalid_Value: Please specify a valid value for '{0}'. Invalid_Key: 'Invalid key ''{0}'' value: {1}.' Cannot_Use_Channel: Can only use 'channel' parameter on chat. Cannot_Use_Label: Can only use 'label' parameter on commands. Cannot_Use_To: Can only use 'to' parameter on private messages. List: Usage_Server: '[server]' Description: List online players. Usage_1: '''/{label} &7- List online players'' + (bungee ? '' on all servers'' : '''') + ''.''' Usage_2: /{label} survival &7- List players on 'survival' server. Header: '''Listing '' + (bungee ? ''Network'' : ''Online'') + '' Player(s)''' Mail: Usage: <new/send/inbox/sent> Description: Manage your game mail. Usages: - '/{label} new &7- Draft a new mail.' - '/{label} send <player/anotherPlayer/all> &7- Send a mail.' - '/{label} autor <time/view/off> &7- Set auto-responder for mails.' - '/{label} inbox &7- Read incoming mails.' - '/{label} archive &7- Read mails you''ve sent out.' - '' - '&c&lTIP: &cTime is in human readable format such as ''1 hour'' etc.' No_Pending: Draft an email first with '/{label} new'. No_Subject: Your mail does not have a subject. Sign your draft item first. No_Recipients: Please specify the recipients separated by '|', or 'online' to send to all online players, or 'all' to send to all players stored in our database. Autoresponder_Usage: Enter 'view' to view your auto-responder, 'off' to disable it or write time such as '3 days' to renew an existing one or use your draft as a new one. Autoresponder_Disabled: You have no active auto-responder. Autoresponder_Removed: Your mail auto-responder has been removed. Autoresponder: Your auto-responder '{title}' expires {date}. Type '/{label} {0} <time>' to renew it. Autoresponder_Missing: You attempted to set a time but you're not creating a draft nor you have an old auto-responder. Create a new mail draft first. Autoresponder_Updated: Updated your old auto-responder to expire {0}. Autoresponder_Set: Set a new auto-responder that expires {0}. Delete_Invalid: No such email, perhaps it was deleted already. Delete_Sender: The selected email has been deleted. Keep in mind recipient will still be able to read it. Delete_No_Recipient: Recipient unique ID not provided. Delete_Invalid_Recipient: 'No such recipient by ID: {0}' Delete_Recipient: The selected email has been deleted. Hand_Full: Clear your main hand before writing an email. Already_Drafting: You already have the mail draft item in your inventory. Item_Title: Right click draft your mail Item_Tooltip: - '&r&7click with mouse to discard.' New_Usage: '(noPendingMail ? ''Right click to draft a new mail.'' : ''Right click to continue writing mail.'') + '' Drop the item to discard.''' Reply_Usage: Right click to prepare a reply to {0}. Click on 'Done' to send it. Drop the item to discard. Open_Tooltip: '&6Click to open.' Open_Tooltip_Script: 'read ? ''&7You have read this mail {0}.'' : ''&6You have not read this mail.''' Reply_Tooltip: '&6Click to reply.' Forward_Tooltip: '&6Click to forward.' Delete_Tooltip: '&6Click to delete.' Inbox_Line: ' &r{subject} &7by {sender} &7at {date}' No_Incoming_Mail: You have no incoming mail. Inbox_Header: Email Sent To You Archive_Recipients_Tooltip: '&7Recipients:' Archive_Read_Tooltip: '''{0}&7: '' + (hasOpened ? ''&2read'' : ''&7unread'')' Archive_Line: ' &r{subject} &7to {recipients} &7at {date}' Archive_Recipient: recipient(s) Archive_No_Mail: You have no archive of sent mail. Archive_Header: Email Sent By You Send_Fail_Ignore: Cannot send mail to {0} because the player is ignoring you. Send_Fail_Toggle: Cannot send mail to {0} because the player has toggled mails off. Send_Success: Email successfully sent! Draft_Discarded: Your pending mail has been discarded. Forward_Recipients: '{prefix_question}Enter player names separated by | that will receive the email to the chat, or type ''exit'' to abort.' Forward_Recipients_Invalid: '{prefix_error}Invalid syntax! Specify recipient names such as kangarko|anotherPlayer|thirdPlayer. Got: {0}' Forward_Success: '{prefix_success}Your mail has successfully been forwarded.' Ready: Your mail ready to send. Use '/mail send' to send it. Draft_Saved: Saved your mail as a draft. Sign the book with title as the subject line when you want to send it. Use /mail new to re-open. Join_Notification: You have new mail ({0}). Use '/mail inbox' to read. New_Notification: '{prefix_warn}{0} sent you a new mail. Use ''/mail inbox'' to read.' Message: Usage: <list/toggle/info/reload> <type> [group] Description: Manage player messages. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} list <type> &7- Print all messages.' - '/{label} {sublabel} toggle <type> <group> &7- Switch message on/off.' - '/{label} {sublabel} info <type> <group> &7- Print message information.' - '/{label} {sublabel} reload &7- Reload all messages.' Reloaded: Reloaded all messages from the messages/ folder. No_Type: 'Please specify message type. Available: {0}' No_Messages: No {0} messages are created yet. Group: ' &8- &7Group: &f{0}' List_Header: Showing {0} {1} Message(s) No_Group: Please specify the message group. Info: - '&8{chat_line}' - '<center>&6&l{0} message ''{1}''' Info_Footer: - '&8{chat_line}' Toggled: '''{0} message {1} has been '' + (toggle ? ''&cdisabled'' : ''&aenabled'') + ''&7.''' Me: Usage: <message> Description: Send a formatted message. Usages: - '/{label} Hello everyone! &7- Send a formatted message.' Migrate: Usage: <chc8/import/export/essentials> Description: Migrate data from ChatControl, or MySQL and data.db. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} chc8 &7- Migrate data from ChatControl 8.' - '/{label} {sublabel} import &7- Import MySQL data to local data.db.' - '/{label} {sublabel} export &7- Export data.db data to MySQL.' - '/{label} {sublabel} essentials &7- Import Essentials usermap.csv.' - '' - '&4&lWARNING: &cLarge data.db or MySQL sizes may freeze the' - '&4server for ~3-10 minutes. Ignore crash reports, your data' - '&4will keep migrating.' Import_Start: Begun importing database entries to data.db and usermap.scv. This may take a long time, please watch your console. We will however keep ignoring them until you disable MySQL. Import_Finish: Successfully imported data.db and usermap.csv entries. Export_Start: Begun exporting data.db entries to database. This may take a long time, please watch your console. Export_Finish: Successfully exported {0} entries. Essentials: Successfully imported usermap.csv from Essentials (if existed). Motd: Usage: '[player]' Description: Read the message of the day. Usages: - '/{label} &7- Read your message of the day.' - '/{label} <player> &7- Send the motd to other player.' Success: Message of the day has been sent. Mute: Usage: <server/channel/player> <params...> Description: Mute server, channel or players. Usages: - '/{label} <type> &7- Print if type is muted.' - '/{label} <type> off &7- Unmute type if muted.' - '/{label} <type> <duration e.g. 1h2m15s> &7- Mute the type.' - '/{label} <type> <duration> [reason] &7- Mute the type with reason.' - '&cTip: The type can be ''server'', ''channel'' or ''player''. For channels and players, also specify channel or player name.' Server: ''' &7This server is '' + (muted ? ''&cmuted'' : ''&2not muted'') + ''&7.''' Player_Or_Channel: ''' &7- &f{0} &7is '' + (muted ? ''&cmuted'' : ''&2not muted'') + ''&7.''' Change_Status_Tooltip: '''&6Click to '' + (muted ? ''un'' : '''') + ''mute'' + (muted ? '''' : '' for 3 minutes'')' Channel_Status: Channel Mute Status Server_Status: Server Mute Status Player_Status: Players' Mute Status No_Duration: Please specify the duration and an optional reason. Invalid_Duration: 'Invalid duration format: ''{0}''! Valid syntax: 6y5mo4w3d2h1m0s such as 30m or 1m30s' Mute_Success: '''The {type} has been muted by {player} for {duration}.'' + (!reason.isEmpty() ? '' Reason: '' + reason : '''')' Unmute_Success: The {type} has been unmuted by {player}. Already_Muted: '{type} ''{0}'' is already muted! Use ''off'' as an argument to unmute.' Not_Muted: '{type} ''{0}'' is not muted!' Already_Muted_Server: '{type} is already muted! Use ''off'' as an argument to unmute.' Not_Muted_Server: '{type} is not muted!' Cannot_Mute_Yourself: You cannot mute yourself fool! Cannot_Create_Books: Cannot create books while the chat or you are muted! Cannot_Command: You cannot perform this command while you are muted. Cannot_Chat: You cannot type to chat while you are muted. Cannot_Place_Signs: Cannot place signs while the chat or you are muted! Cannot_Chat_Player_Muted: You cannot type to channel while you, the channel or server is muted. Cannot_Chat_Channel_Muted: You cannot talk in channel {0} as it is muted. Points: Usage: <get/set/list> <player> [set] [amount] Description: Manage player warning points. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} get <player> [set] &7- List player warning points.' - '/{label} {sublabel} set <player> <set> <amount> &7- Set warning points.' - '/{label} {sublabel} list [set] &7- List all players warning points.' Disabled: Warning points are disabled in settings.yml List_Item_1: ' &6Set {0}:' Remove_Tooltip: '&6Click to remove.' List_Item_2: ' &f{0}&8: &7{1} points' No_Points: There are no warn points stored. Come, get some! List_Header: Saved Warning Points Player_List_Item: ' &f{0} &7= &f{1} points' No_Player_Points: There are no such warning points for {0}. Player_List_Header: Listing {0}'s Warning Points No_Set: 'Please specify a set name. Available: {0}' No_Amount: Please specify valid amount of points to set. No_Stored: '{0} does not have warning points in set ''{1}''.' Set: '(removed ? ''Removed points from'' : ''Set {0} points to'') + '' player {1} warning set {1}.''' Purge: Usage: <player> Description: Remove messages sent by the player, even if he disconnected. Success: All messages from {0} were removed. Reply: Dosage: <message> Prescription: Reply to last player who messaged you. Alone: You have nobody to reply to :( Spy: Usage: <status/menu/off/toggle/list> [player] [type] [channel] Description: Toggle spying player commands and messages. Usages_1: - '/{label} status [player] &7- Print if player is spying.' - '/{label} menu [player] &7- Open main spying selection menu.' - '/{label} on/off [player] &7- Toggle all spying on/off for player.' - '/{label} toggle <type> [player] &7- Toggle spying for section on/off.' Usages_2: - '/{label} toggle chat <channel> [player] &7- Toggle spying for channel.' Usages_3: - '/{label} list &7- List all spying players.' No_Stored: There are no spying players stored. List_Tooltip: - '&6Disable all spying for {0}.' List_Header: All Spying Players Toggle_No_Type: 'Specify a valid spying type. Available: {0}' Toggle_No_Channel: 'Specify a chat channel to toggle spy on. Available: {0}' Toggle: '''{0} is '' + (isSpying ? ''&cno longer'' : ''&anow'') + '' &7spying {1}.''' Type_Channel: channel Type_Chat: chat Type_Command: commands Type_Private_Message: private messages Type_Mail: mails Type_Sign: signs Type_Book: books Type_Anvil: anvil Type_Announcement: announcements Type_Me: /me messages Book_Untitled: Untitled No_Spying: '{0} is not spying anything.' Status_1: - '&8{chat_line_smooth}' - '<center>&6Printing what {0} is currently spying' - '&8{chat_line_smooth}' Status_2: - '' - '&7Type ''/{label} off {0}'' to turn it off.' Toggle_Off: Disabled all spying for {0}. Toggle_On: Enabled all spying for {0}. Status_Sectors: '&6Spying sectors:' Status_Channels: '&6Spying channels:' Auto_Enable_1: '{prefix_warn}Your spy mode has been activated automatically. Type ''/spy off'' to disable. ' Auto_Enable_2: '&8[&6?&8]' Auto_Enable_Tooltip: - '&6TIP: &7To stop spying automatically on join, ask the' - '&7admin to take away &o{0}&7' - '&7permission from you explicitly.' Region: Usage: <add/remove/view/tp/list> [name] Description: Manage map regions used in rules. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} add <name> &7- Create a new region.' - '/{label} {sublabel} remove <name> &7- Delete a region.' - '/{label} {sublabel} view <name> &7- Visualize a region.' - '/{label} {sublabel} tp <name> &7- Teleport to a region.' - '/{label} {sublabel} tool &7- Obtain region tool.' - '/{label} {sublabel} list &7- Browse available regions.' List: - '&8{chat_line_smooth}' - ' ' - '<center>&6&lChatControl Regions' - '<center>&7{0} loaded' - '&8{chat_line_smooth}' Region_Info: '&fRegion Information' Primary: '&7Primary: &2{0}' Secondary: '&7Secondary: &2{0}' Size: '&7Size: &2{0} blocks' Tooltip_Remove: '&7Click to remove permanently.' Tooltip_Visualize: '&7Click to visualize.' Tooltip_Teleport: '&7Click to teleport to the center.' Tool: Thor given you 1x ChatControl Region Tool. Right/left click to select two points and then use '/{label} {sublabel} add' to create a region. Tool_Name: Region Tool Tool_Lore: - '' - 'Use this tool to create and' - 'edit ChatControl regions.' - '' - '&b<< &7Left click &7ā &7Primary' - '&7Right click &7ā &7Secondary &b>>' Point_Name: '[&aRegion point&f]' Point_Set: '''Set the '' + (primary ? ''primary'' : ''secondary'') + '' region point.''' No_Name: Please specify the region name. No_Selection: Before adding a region, select primary and secondary points with '/{label} {sublabel} tool' first. Already_Exists: Region by the same name already exists. Saved: Saved new region '{0}'. Removed: Removed region '{0}'. Visualized: Region '{0}' is being visualized for 5 seconds. Teleported: Teleported to the center of region '{0}'. Real_Name: Usage: '[name/nick]' Description: Look up a player's real name and nick by his real name or nick. Success: '''Player {0} has '' + (hasNick ? ''nick {1}'' : ''no nick'') + ''.''' Rule: Usage: <info/toggle/create/import/list/reload> [rule] Description: Manage the rules system. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} info <rule> &7- Print rule information.' - '/{label} {sublabel} toggle <rule> &7- Switch rule on/off.' - '/{label} {sublabel} create &7- Create rule by name.' - '/{label} {sublabel} import &7- Mass rule import.' - '/{label} {sublabel} list <type> &7- List all loaded rules.' - '/{label} {sublabel} reload &7- Reload all rules.' Info_1: - '&8{chat_line}' - '<center>&6&lRule ''{0}''' Info_2: - '&8{chat_line}' Toggle: '''Rule {0} has been '' + (toggle ? ''&cdisabled'' : ''&aenabled'') + ''&7.''' List_No_Type: Please specify what type of rules to show. List_No_Rules: No {0} rules are created yet. Create some with '/{label} {sublabel}' create command! Type_Global: global Type_Chat: chat Type_Command: command Type_Packet: packet Type_Sign: sign Type_Book: book Type_Anvil: anvil Type_Tag: tag Tooltip_Name: '&7Name: &f{0} ' Tooltip_Match: '&7Match: &f' List_Header: Showing {0} {1} Rule(s) Reloaded: All rules have been reloaded from their respective files. Rule_Creator: '&8[&6Rule Creator&8] &7' Rule_Creator_Welcome: - 'Welcome to the Rule Creator Wizard. We''ll ask you a few questions and your new rule will be set.' - 'Type answers directly to the chat or type ''exit'' at any time to abort. To continue, please type your new rule''s name.' Rule_Creator_Already_Exists: '{prefix_error}Rule {0} already exists!' Rule_Creator_Type: - 'Awesome, preparing rule ''{0}'' for you. Please enter the rule''s type. This also determines to which file we''ll place the rule. ' - 'Available: {1}' Invalid_Type: '{prefix_error}Rule type ''{0}'' is invalid!' Encode: Should we automatically encode the matching word you enter in the next question to be harder to bypass? Type yes/no. Invalid_Encode: '{error_prefix}Wrong answer! Type ''yes'' or ''no'', or ''exit'' to give up.' Rule_Creator_Match: Enter the word that should be matched. Group_Name: 'Almost ready! Now, enter what group this rule should belong to, or ''none'' if no group. Installed groups: {0}' Invalid_Group: '{prefix_error}Group {0} does not exists!' Rule_Creator_Success: '{prefix_success}Congratulations, you''ve successfuly created a new rule! It was loaded and is ready to operate. Here''s how it looks like:' Conversation_Cancelled: '&cYou haven''t entered anything in time so that your conversation has been cancelled.' Conversation_Abandoned: '&cYour conversation has been abandoned. Your entered data have been lost.' Rule_Import: '&8[&6Rule Import&8] &7' Rule_Import_Welcome: - 'Welcome to the Rule Import Wizard. We''ll ask you a few questions and import every line from your file as a new rule.' - 'Type answers directly to the chat or type ''exit'' at any time to abort. To continue, please write your file name (in your plugin''s folder).' Rule_Import_Invalid_File: '{prefix_error}File {0} does not exist!' Rule_Import_Type: - 'Awesome, importing rules from {0} for you. Please enter what type of rules these are.' - 'Available: {1}' Rule_Import_Success: '{prefix_success}Congratulations, you''ve successfuly imported {0} rule(s)! They were loaded and is ready to operate.' Script: Usage: <expression> Description: Evaluate JavaScript. Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} 5 * (2/3) &7- Simple math.' - '/{label} {sublabel} player.getHandle().ping &7- NMS, if player is Player.' - '/{label} {sublabel} {variable} / 2 &7- PAPI, native or variables/.' - '/{label} {sublabel} Java.type("org.bukkit.Bukkit").getOnlinePlayers()' Error: 'Error in your expression: {0}' Result: 'Result: &f{0}' Tag: Usage: <type> [tag/off] Description: Set your tag. Usages: - '/{label} list &7- Print all tags.' - '/{label} off &7- Disable all tags.' - '/{label} <type> &7- Print your tag.' - '/{label} <type> <tag> &7- Set yourself a tag.' - '/{label} <type> off &7- Stop having a tag.' - '' - '&c&lTIP: &cUse {prefix_tag}, {suffix_tag} and {nick} placeholders to show tags.' Admin_Usage: <type> <player/list> [nick/off] Admin_Description: Control tags for players. Admin_Usages: - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> <player> &7- Print player''s tags.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> <player> <nick> &7- Set player a tag.' - '/{label} {sublabel} <type> <player> off &7- Remove tag from player.' - '/{label} {sublabel} list [type] &7- List all players with tags.' No_Tags: There are no tags stored. Admin_Tooltip_Remove: '&6Remove {0} from {1}.' Admin_List: Listing All Tags Admin_Invalid_Params: Please specify a tag type and a player name. Admin_Status: '{possessive_form} {type}: {tag}.' Your_Tags: 'Your tags:' Off_No_Tags: You do not have any active tags. Off_All: All active tags were disabled. Status_Self: 'Your {0} is: {1}' No_Spaces: Nicks cannot contain spaces. No_Colors_Only: Your tag cannot consist only of colors. Exceeded_Length: Your tag's length ({0}) is over maximum limit of {1} letters. Not_Allowed: Unable to set your tag, try another one! No_Tag: '''{0} presently do'' + (self ? '''' : ''es'') + '' not have a {1}.''' No_Impersonation: The nick cannot impersonate a real player name. Already_Used: This nick is already used. Success: '''{person} {0} has been '' + (remove ? ''removed'' : ''set to {1}&7'') + ''.''' Toggle: Usage: <type> [group] Description: Toggle seeing parts of the plugin. Usages_1: - '/{label} <type> &7- Toggle a plugin part. Parts: {0}' - '/{label} <type> [group] &7- Toggle a message type. Types: {1}' Usages_Chat: - '/{label} chat &7- Toggle seeing chat messages. If you are spying, you''ll still see them.' Usages_Join: - '/{label} join default &7- Toggle join message group ''default''.' Usages_Timed: - '/{label} timed special &7- Toggle timed messages group ''special''.' Usages_Private_Message: - '/{label} pm &7- Toggle all private messages.' Usages_2: - '/{label} list &7- List all toggled plugin parts.' Toggled_Group: '''&7You are '' + (ignoring ? ''&2no longer'' : ''&cnow'') + '' &7ignoring {0} message {1}.''' Toggled_Group_All: '''&7You are '' + (ignoring ? ''&2no longer'' : ''&cnow'') + '' &7ignoring all {0} messages.''' Type_Join: join Type_Quit: quit Type_Kick: kick Type_Death: death Type_Timed: timed List_Line: '&6Hidden {0} Messages&7:' List_Tooltip: - '&6Click to stop ignoring.' List_Plugin_Parts_Title: '&6Plugin parts&7:' List_Plugin_Parts: '(isIgnoring ? ''&cignoring'' : ''&2receiving'')' List_Plugin_Parts_Toggle: - '&6Click to toggle.' List_Plugin_Parts_Header: Toggled Parts Of The Plugin For {0} No_Group: 'Please specify a group to toggle for {0}. Available: {1}' Invalid_Type: 'Invalid type. Available toggles: {0} and types: {1}.' Cannot_PM: '{0} has toggled off private messages.' Tell: Usage: <player> [message] Description: Send private messages to players. Usages: - '/{label} <player> <message> &7- Send player a message.' - '/{label} <player> &7- Toggle conversation mode, in which your chat messages are automatically sent as private messages.' - '/{label} off &7- Disable conversation mode if active.' Conversation_Mode_Not_Conversing: You are not conversing with anyone. Conversation_Mode_Off: Conversation mode with {0} has been &cdisabled&7. Conversation_Mode_Toggle: '(isConversing ? ''&cNo longer'' : ''&aNow'') + '' &7conversing with {0}.''' Conversation_Offline: The player you were conversing with, {0}, is no longer online. Conversation mode disabled. Afk_Warning: '{prefix_warn}{0} is currently AFK and may not see your message.' # We do not allow changing messages for the /chc tour command because it would be impossible # to make changes to these messages when we update our systems without constantly resetting your localization Tour: Not_Completed: Before using ChatControl, you need to complete our startup guide with &7/{0} tour &cfirst. Requires_Op: Only operators may complete the plugin startup guide. Update: Usage: <player> Description: Reload yours, or a player's tab list name. Disabled: Tab list feature is not enabled in Tab_List in settings.yml. Success: Reloaded tab list information for {0}. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to paginator splitting command help into multiple pages # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pages: No_Page_Number: '&cPlease specify the page number for this command.' No_Pages: '&cYou do not have any pages saved to show.' No_Page: Pages do not contain the given page number. Invalid_Page: '&cYour input ''{input}'' is not a valid number.' Go_To_Page: '&7Go to page {page}' Go_To_First_Page: '&7Go to the first page' Tooltip: - '&7You can also navigate using the' - '&7hidden ''/#flp <page> command.''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to players # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player: Not_Online: '&cPlayer {player} &cis not online on this server.' Not_Connected: '&cPlayer ''{0}&c'' is not connected through BungeeCord.' Not_Stored: '&cPlayer ''{0}&c'' is not stored in our database.' Possessive_Form: '{player}''s' Has: has Newcomer_Cannot_Command: You are a newcomer and cannot run this command yet! Newcomer_Cannot_Write: You are a newcomer and cannot yet write to chat. No_Write_Chat_Permission: You lack {0} permission to write chat messages. No_Channel: You have no channel to write into. Use '/{label_channel} join' to join one. No_Possible_Channel: You lack permissions to join any channels. Cannot_Chat_Vanished: You can't write chat messages directly when you're vanished. Use '/{label_channel} send' instead. Kick_Disallowed_Nickname: '&cYour player name contains disallowed characters!' Kick_Relogin: '&cPlease wait {0} second(s) before joining again!' Channel_Range_Notification: '''{prefix_warn}There is no one in '' + (hasRange ? ''range'' : ''channel'') + '' you can chat to.''' Already_Conversing: '{0} is already having an ongoing server conversation!' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to menus # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu: Cannot_Open_During_Conversation: '&cType ''exit'' to quit your conversation before opening menu.' Item_Deleted: '&2The {item} has been deleted.' Error: '&cOups! There was a problem with this menu! Please contact the administrator to review the console for details.' Page_Previous: '&8<< &fPage {page}' Page_Next: Page {page} &8>> Page_First: '&7First Page' Page_Last: '&7Last Page' Title_Tools: Tools Menu Tooltip_Info: '&fMenu Information' Button_Return_Title: '&4&lReturn' Button_Return_Lore: - '' - 'Return back.' Color: Button_Empty_Title: No available colors Button_Empty_Lore: - '' - 'There are no colors that you' - 'can toggle available right now.' Button_Reset_Color_Title: Reset chat color Color_Reset: '&1Chat color reset!' Button_Reset_Decoration: Reset chat decoration Decoration_Reset: '&1Chat decoration reset!' Button_Decoration_Title: ' Decoration' Button_Decoration_Lore: - '' - 'Click to toggle using this' - 'decoration in the chat.' - '' - 'Example: {0}A random text.' Decoration_Set: Set decoration to {0} Button_Color_Title: ' Color' Button_Color_Lore: - '' - 'Click to toggle using this' - 'color while you''re chatting.' - '' - 'Sample: {0}Lorem ipsum dolor' - '{0}sit amen, color ist kamen.' Color_Set: Set color to {0} Help: - 'The color menu enables you to select' - 'a chat or a decoration to be applied' - 'automatically when you chat.' - '' - 'Simply click the icons to select what' - 'color or decoration you want to use.' - '' - 'Current color: {color}' - 'Current decoration: {decoration}' Spy: Toggle_Title: '(spying ? ''&4Disable'' : ''&2Enable'') + '' All''' Toggle_Lore: - '' - 'Click to toggle spying on' - 'everything in this menu.' Button_Lore_1: - '' - 'Click to select which chat' - 'channels you want to spy on.' Button_Lore_Channels: - '' - 'Spying channels:' Button_Title: Channels Type_Chat: all chat messages Type_Commands: commands configured in settings.yml Type_Private_Messages: all private messages Type_Mail: mails when they are sent Type_Sign: signs when they are placed Type_Book: books when they are signed Type_Anvil: items when they are renamed Button_Toggle_Lore: - '' - 'Click to toggle spying on' - '{label}.' - '' - 'Status: {status}' Status: '(spying ? ''&bspying'' : ''&cdisabled'')' Status_Toggle: '(isSpying ? ''&4'' : ''&2'') + ''Spying {type} '' + (isSpying ? ''disabled'' : ''enabled'') + ''!''' Channels_Toggle_Lore: - '' - 'Click to toggle spying' - 'for this channel.' - '' - 'Status: {status}' Channels_Toggle: '(isSpying ? ''&4No longer spying channel'' : ''&2Now spying channel'') + ''!''' Help: - 'Select what aspects of your server' - 'you want to spy on. You can also use' - 'the ''/{label} log'' command to view' - 'historical data from when you were gone.' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to tools # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tool: Error: '&cOups! There was a problem with this tool! Please contact the administrator to review the console for details.' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages related to checking messages/chat/signs etc. against spam, rules and so on # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checker: Sign_Duplication: Do not place multiple signs with the same text. Move: '''Please move before typing '' + (chat ? ''into chat'' : ''commands'') + ''.''' Delay_After_Join: '''Please wait {seconds} before typing '' + (chat ? ''messages'' : ''commands'') + ''.''' Delay: '''Please wait {seconds} before your next '' + (chat ? ''message'' : ''command'') + ''.''' Similarity: '''Please do not '' + (chat ? ''type messages'' : ''run commands'') + '' that are {similarity}% similar.''' Period: You can only send {type} in {period}. Caps: Please avoid excessive capitalization in your {type}. Sound_Notify: '&cYou cannot use sound notify for another {seconds}.' No_Text: You cannot send chat messages without text! No_Text_After_Change: Your message has been edited and cannot be sent because it is now empty. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Words for both singular and plural form. Separate these two forms with ", " # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cases: Second: second, seconds Message: message, messages Command: command, commands # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Different prefixes you can use by calling {prefix_<type>} such as {prefix_info} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prefix: Info: '&8&l[&9&li&8&l]&7 ' Success: '&8&l[&2&lā&8&l]&7 ' Warn: '&8&l[&6&l!&8&l]&6 ' Error: '&8&l[&4&lā&8&l]&c ' Question: '&8&l[&a&l?&l&8]&7 ' Announce: '&8&l[&5&l!&l&8]&d ' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Miscellaneous # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You: You Your: Your His: His And: and None: None Server: server Channel: channel False_Value: 'false' Server_Prefix: '[Server]' Console_Name: Console # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database related messages # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data_Missing: '&c{name} lacks database information! Please only create {type} in-game! Skipping..' Data_Loading: Database is currently loading data, please wait... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messages shown when player runs a command he lacks permission for # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No_Permission: '&cNo permission: {permission}' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shown when console tries to enter a server conversation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conversation_Requires_Player: Only players may enter this conversation. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal versioning number # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 2